Our Services
Dinesh Patel, D.D.S. - Jersey Smile Care

Our Experts Passionately Work for Your Smile

At Dinesh Patel, D.D.S. - Jersey Smile Care, we have a skilled, compassionate team offering a comprehensive approach to oral health. We offer a wide range of dental services in a comfortable and relaxed environment.

General Dentistry

Leveraging cutting-edge equipment, Dinesh Patel takes care of your dental health to improve your appearance. From sealants, fillings, root canals, crowns, bridges to implants, you can be assured of the highest standard work and quality products for long-lasting results.



Periodontal maintenance is the only approach to maintain gums healthy, and it should be done at regular intervals following scaling and root planning operations. Plaque and tartar removal, scaling, teeth planing, and polishing are all included.


When a cavity has progressed all the way to the pulp, root canal or endodontic therapy is required. Trauma to a tooth can sometimes cause the nerve to be injured, necessitating root canal therapy. The pulp gets infected, and the infection can even spread through the root tip, eating away at the surrounding bone.


  • Sensitivity to Hot/cold or Sweets
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Pain to Biting or Pressure
  • There Can Also Be No Symptoms and Must Be Checked to Resolve the Issue
  • Bad Taste in the Mouth


A root canal removes the affected tooth pulp and sterilizes the canals. The only other option is to have the tooth removed. The canals are filled up to avoid additional infection once the infection has been cleared. When repairing a tooth with root canal therapy, a core build-up and crown are usually advised.

Crown and Bridge

Crowns are full coverage restorations that protect a tooth at risk of breaking or being too damaged to be repaired with a filling. They're usually done after a root canal or when a big filling has worn out. A tooth is more prone to break even after a filling has been placed in a huge cavity. Crowns are placed over weaker teeth to strengthen them and keep them from breaking.


A crown is applied to a tooth in two sessions. The tooth is initially prepared for the crown by removing decay and shaping it. After that, an imprint of the tooth is taken to be used to fabricate a crown. The crown is commonly formed of high-strength porcelain over gold alloy, ceramic material, or gold between the two visits. A temporary crown is worn throughout this period and is eliminated on the second visit. The permanent crown is then adjusted in place and modified as needed.


For numerous reasons, it is critical to replace a lost tooth as soon as possible. We fill up the gaps left by lost teeth with the bridge, and it replaces a lost tooth. Bridge construction is both an art and a science. Gold alloys, porcelain linked to metal alloys, or all-ceramic materials may be utilized. The material used is determined by the need for strength, wear, and/or aesthetics.


Dentures come in diverse shapes and sizes. They are used to replace teeth that have become loose or removed due to bone deterioration. It's time for dentures when bone loss around the roots of teeth is severe enough to loosen or cause them to fall out. Relax.

Dinesh Patel, D.D.S. - Jersey Smile Care

What to Expect

The entire mouth is evaluated, and it is determined which teeth will need to be extracted and which will not. After that, the loose teeth are pulled. Depending on the kind, dentures are fitted to go over or around the remaining teeth in the mouth. After dentures are inserted in the mouth, there is an adjustment phase that might take some time to get used to. Implants are frequently used to help support dentures.


A dental implant is a tooth replacement that may be used to replace a lost tooth. A small titanium shaft is surgically placed into the bone and allowed to solidify in this operation. The bone that develops around it makes a strong link, slowing or stopping bone loss when a natural tooth's root is removed. Next, the dentist connects the replacement tooth to the top of the shaft once the implant is securely in the mouth. This permanent method has the benefit over bridge work in that it does not exert undue stress on the surrounding teeth for support, and if a tooth wears out, another can easily be placed on the shaft to replace it.

Implant Bridge

Implants can be utilized as an implant bridge for support. This is a good option for partial dentures since it offers many benefits. First, there is no acclimatization for the patient, who only feels teeth once the procedure is completed, not metal supports invading the mouth. Second, the bone loss caused by missing teeth is slowed. Third, eating is not uncomfortable or unpleasant. We also offer mini dental implants to stabilize lower dentures.